Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Updates are for girls and blogs...

Aaah, where to begin….and in no particular order:

  1. Kate and I are knee deep into our second year of marriage, wading through Kate’s first year of residency all the while playing a mean game of house. Yes, she is busy, yes, she is overwhelmed at times, and yes, she loves being a doctor, except when it comes to blood...gross!
  2. Our cattens (Kate refuses to acknowledge them as “cats”, so we use "kittens" and "cats" combined) are full grown and enjoying the free food and constant attention.
  3. We have convinced out landlord to remodel the bathroom, using me as the manual labor. I wish the migrate/illegal/undocumented/alien/used-to-be-the-Irish workers were taking MY job. So, by the end of May, we should not have to delouse ourselves after we leave the bathroom.
  4. We are on the market for a piece of art, so if you know anywhere to get cheap, original, tasteful, mind-blowing, large scale art, let us know.
  5. I was accepted to the National Theatre Conservatory, a nationally respected Master’s of Fine Arts program focusing on Acting. The school starts in Sept and is a 3 year commitment. By the end of the program, I will have a MFA in Acting and be a full company member of the Denver Center Theatre Company, plus I might be able to dress and bathe myself. As the first year is a tremendous commitment and Kate’s second year is especially time consuming, we plan on being pen-pal spouses. It should be neat.

Anyway, all is well and we hope things are keen with you.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Seattle Trip Photos

The Tulip Festival just north of Seattle...incredible...

This is the Blodel Reserve on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound...even the pictures don't do it justice.

The Millers (minus Nana) at the park.

The Miller...Neophytes No Longer!

After many years of scurrying under large rocks and avoiding the feared “World Wide Web”, the Millers of the Mountains (as apposed to the tech-savvy Miller’s of the greater northwest) have found their way out of the dark, graduating from MS-DOS, and into….WINDOWS!!!! We would have bought a Mac if we could afford it.

So this is the “blogging” I have heard so much about….strange, it doesn’t make what I have to say ANY more meaningful, insightful, nor poignant….just public. Maybe a diary was a better way to go. Regardless, I will venture forward into this new land and make friends with the natives, bringing small pox and vast stretches of a land called Nevada (and parts of Utah, but who is counting). On guard WWW, The Mountain Millers are HERE….in cyberspace that is.