Monday, April 24, 2006

The Miller...Neophytes No Longer!

After many years of scurrying under large rocks and avoiding the feared “World Wide Web”, the Millers of the Mountains (as apposed to the tech-savvy Miller’s of the greater northwest) have found their way out of the dark, graduating from MS-DOS, and into….WINDOWS!!!! We would have bought a Mac if we could afford it.

So this is the “blogging” I have heard so much about….strange, it doesn’t make what I have to say ANY more meaningful, insightful, nor poignant….just public. Maybe a diary was a better way to go. Regardless, I will venture forward into this new land and make friends with the natives, bringing small pox and vast stretches of a land called Nevada (and parts of Utah, but who is counting). On guard WWW, The Mountain Millers are HERE….in cyberspace that is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, here's the next level.

Oh, and welcome. We've been waiting for you.

12:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And when you're done with that, there's this...

12:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And lest you forget
and um...
oh, no. I can't link u to that one.
Think of the children.

4:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is a 'small pox'? Is it cute? Can I buy one at the pet store? Do emoticons come with it? I'm so excited to learn more!

5:28 PM


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